2023 Group Names

One of the best parts of every tour that makes every trip unique is the group name that everyone comes up with together. This normally happens naturally throughout the week as something gets mentioned or happens that bind everyone together with a new name. These are the 2023 groups and their meanings.


Poncho Protection Society 

Don’t be sick on the rides! This was the fear someone had in the group that led to someone suggesting getting a poncho for protection! Ponchos on rides for the rest of the week… no one was sick!


Connor | Craig | Daniel | David | Michael | Paul



What happens when you get an over excited Northern Irish man shouting on roller coasters? Wahoo! In the highest pitch became the saying as you could always hear Davin off ride having the time of his life!


Adam | Davin | Dom | Greg | Ioan | Katy | Molly-Anne


Wiener Circus 

Some names take a little longer to come by, but when you pass a sign advertising a Belgium circus called Wiener Circus, you are sure taking that name for yourselves!


Adam | Angela | Beverley | Matt | Matthew | Tom | Thomas


White Trash & Trouble 

The unofficial USA tour got the name from South Park and Beer! Picking up Pabst Blue Ribbon in the liquor store, just like Kenny’s Family… We’re White Trash and We’re in Trouble!


Ben | Gabby | Jason | Joe | Martin | Sam | Tom


No Flip Flops on FLY 

What can you get away with wearing on FLY? Flip Flops? No! You mean there’s no flip flops on FLY? Yep, No Flip Flops on FLY! This was an actual conversation at dinner the night before Phantasialand!


Alana | Dean | Martin | Nigel | Russell | Sam | Tristyn


Tin Foils 

What’s for lunch? Breakfast sandwich roll? Yes please! This group was so dedicated to making sandwiches in the morning they went out and brought some Tin Foil! That’s dedication… and a group name!


Chris | Kieran | Martin | Robbie | Sophie | Thomas | Todd


Jingle Ball Hair

From 6 of the original members of Spin Snakes who attended the South West Germany France tour in 2022, with new members and a very strange sentence formed the new name for the Inaugural Germany, Denmark and Sweden trip.


Andrew | Doug | Dylan | Joe | Nathan | Tom | Will


Break Dancers 

What was the best ride at Grona Lund? According to this group it was the Huss Break Dance model, which was so loved, the group became a bunch of Break Dancers!


Ben | Graham | Marcus | Michael | Ryan | Sam | Stev


Scary Right Turns

When a funny story comes out on the road, that one of the members is afraid of turning right in their driving lessons, the whole group started screaming on every single time a roller coaster went to the right and the name was born!


Adam | Amber | Brennan | Charley | Jo | Lauren | Nathan


Tuck, Sniff, Smash & Sorry! 

The return of the group Tuck’n’Sniff! This time visiting Walygator and the fascination of the mascot that looks like he is always apologising, along with getting another crack in the windscreen with this group evolved the name to Tuck, Sniff, Smash & Sorry!


Andrew | Clayton | Dale | Dan | Dani | Matt | Tom



What noise does Taron Make? Taron goes Brrrrrrrt!


Jordan | Kevin | Kobe | Nathan | Philip | Thomas


Dude Where’s My Van?

I could write a whole blog post on this one! Let’s just say 4 members of the group got very lost at Toverland, walked past the car park in the rain and took 45 minutes to find the vehicle! Dude Where’s My Van?


Anthony | Bobby | Dan | Jack | Jemma | Philip | Rob


Forced Nuts!

The first night saw a very keen bar tender keep on offering us more nuts! Please stop forcing your nuts on Alice!


Alice | Dan | David | George | Jarrett | Leandro | Tracey


Waffles and Wangs 

The first hotel of this trip featured free waffles! But more importantly, the dragon known as Wang was at Phantasialand for the first time in years doing a meet and greet! I was the most over excited of the lot of us!


Andrew | Angela | Dee | James | Lauren | Sophie | William


Bumba Bus 

Biebabela! Near the beginning of the trip, I let the group listen to the song De Bumba Dans which you regularly hear at Plopsaland… They loved it! – Dancing is so nice BUMBA BUMBA!


George | Jack | James | Jason | Kate | Scarlett | Thomas


Wodan Clan 

The final tour of the season kept calling Wodan at Europa Park Wu-Tang until eventually the cross between the two became the group name! The other option was Air Fryer for Blue Fire!


Adrian | Aisa | Jade | Megan | Michelle | Oscar | Sally

Thank you to everyone who made 2023 so awesome, it has been great meeting so many of you and I can’t wait to see many of you again!


Create your own group name on a tour in 2024! Click Here for departure dates!


Gotham City Weekend Escape

The cheeky bonus saw over 30 previous Coaster Breaks members attend a weekend getaway in Madrid to Parque Warner and Parque de Attracionnes in November! The day of course ended with a huge takeover of Gotham City Escape, the New Intamin Blitz Coaster!


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Coaster Breaks x Extended Tour